Trial Adoption and Security Metrics

About Trial Adoption and Security Metrics

When you start a trial, it is important to monitor its usage by your customer. Adoption and security metrics let you review the activity being generated by your customer's use of Cisco Secure products and the protection the products provide.

Security metrics are designed to give you a sense of the overall protection being provided for each of your trials, information that you can use to prove to customers that the Cisco Secure product delivers on what it promises. You can also use these reports to monitor the health of each trial, letting you determine when or if you might need to help a customer better utilize their trial. For example, you might contact a customer to help them better utilize their trial after noticing they have not been sending traffic on their Umbrella trial or deployed any Secure Endpoint connectors.

Accessing Adoption and Security Metrics

To access Trial Adoption and Security Metrics, navigate to the Trials tab. Above the trial list, there are two tabs—Adobtion metrics and Security metrics.


Umbrella’s adoption and security metrics populate dynamically as changes are made.

The Trials overview page, as well as the trial management page, lists the trial's health category, which indicates it is use by the trial customer. Select the Generate button to populate the heath category.

  • or N/A—Customer has not logged into their Umbrella dashboard.

  • Low—Customer has logged into their Umbrella dashboard but has not created an identity.

  • Medium—Customer has logged into their Umbrella dashboard, has created an identity, but has not yet sent traffic.

  • High—Customer has logged into their Umbrella dashboard, has created an identity, and has sent traffic.

Once a trial is up and running and sending traffic—indicated by a Trial Strength of High—you can make a request to have Umbrella generate a unique Security report for the trial. Umbrella's Security report lets you see in detail how Umbrella is protecting your customer's trial. For more information, see the Umbrella Security Report and our solutions brief.

Prerequisites for Umbrella Security Report

  • Trial Umbrella dashboard must be sending traffic, indicated by a Trial Strength of High.

  • You must have access to the trial Umbrella dashboard.


Once a request to generate a Security report is received by Cisco, it takes approximately one day to generate it and then send it off.

Secure Endpoint

Secure Endpoint adoption and security metrics are populated in Cisco Secure Trials Console (STC) within up to 3 days of configuration.

Heath Category:

  • Fresh: New; <7 days old

  • At Risk: >7 days old, has not deployed connectors

  • Stale: >7 days old, deployed connectors, has not logged in within the last 7 days

  • Growing: Deployed connectors, logged in within the last 7 days, <50% features adopted

  • Ripe: Deployed connectors, logged in within the last 7 days, >50% features adopted

POV Health Score has a range of 0.005.0 and is based off the following criteria:

  • the number of connects the customer has deployed (2 out of 5)

  • the number of times the customer has logged in within the last 7 days (2 of 5)

  • the percentage of adopted features (1 of 5)