Partner Settings

This tab includes four sections, each offering features specifically available to partners. Let's explore these features in detail.

Request from link

As a Partner, you can offer your customers a convenient way to request trials for Cisco Secure products by providing a specific link to the Create Trial Request form. This link can be integrated into your website or sent directly to customers. Any trial requests submitted through this link are automatically associated with your organization.

You can find the link in the Partner Settings tab under the Request form link section.

More information on handling trial requests made via these links can be found on the Manage Trial Requests page.

Assign a distributor

As a partner, you can allow a distributor to view the list of your trials and details for each trial.


Assigned distributer will not be able to edit your trials.

To assign a distributor:

  1. Go to the Partner Settings tab.

  2. In the Assign distributor section, select the desired distributor organization from the dropdown list.

  3. Select Save.

To remove a distributor:

  1. Go to the Partner Settings tab.

  2. In the Assign distributor section, select the desired distributor organization from the dropdown list.

  3. Select Remove.

Custom logo

As a partner, you can upload a custom logo and co-brand the console. By default, the Cisco logo is displayed on the console. You can change this logo to any picture or logo you want and update the console to include this logo and the Powered by Cisco statement.

A custom logo is visible to anyone who logs into the console and is also added to invite emails. You can add and display (enable) one logo at a time.

To upload a custom logo:

  1. Go to the Partner Settings tab.

  2. In the Custom logo section, select Upload.

  3. Add your logo and select Save.

  4. When the logo is saved, select Enable logo.

Once enabled, a custom logo will be displayed in the Secure Trial Console.

Branded log in

You can also co-brand the login page. Create a Canonical Name (CNAME) record and point it to Once it is created, add the domain name of the CNAME you have created to Cisco Secure Trials Console (STC) and your logo appears when the login page is accessed through your CNAME.

Before you begin, create a CNAME record with your authoritative DNS provider that points your domain to

To create a branded login page:

  1. Go to the Partner Settings tab.

  2. In the Branded log in section, select Edit.

  3. Add your CNAME and select Add.