Understanding the Secure Trial Workflow

Starting and then managing a trial of a Cisco secure product involves more than just clicking Create New Trial.

  1. Before you start a trial, create a quote or deal registration through the Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW). This generates a Deal ID that you will need for your trial. You can start a trial without a Deal ID, but you will not be able to convert the trial to a subscription without one. For more information, see the Cisco Commerce User Guide.

  2. Start a new trial through Cisco Secure Trials Console (STC). See Start a New Trial.

  3. When you start a trial, your prospective customer receives a welcome email that includes login information as well as a link to documentation that will help your customer get started with the product.

  4. Your prospective customer can trial a Cisco secure product for 30 days and you can extend only one time for 14 days. During the course of this trial period, monitor your prospective customer's use of a Cisco secure product so that you can show the value the Cisco secure product adds.

  5. Once a trial is converted to a subscription, its status is changed to “Converted”. See Convert a Trial.

  6. If your customer's trial is not converted to a subscription (for example, it expires,) disable it in Cisco Secure Trials Console (STC). See Disable a Trial.

  7. If, during the course of the trial period, your prospective customer granted you access to their dashboard (only applicable to Umbrella trials), then advise them to remove this access when the trial ends.

  8. And of course, continue to support your new customer. From time to time, check in with your customer and confirm that everything is okay.