Generating an Audit Log Report

Audit Log keeps record changes that have been made by administrators. The Audit Log section holds up to one year's worth of information about changes made to your Cisco Secure Trials Console (STC) dashboard. This includes any changes to things being added, modified, or deleted.

The report includes:

  • Date and time of the change

  • IP address that made the change

  • User that was logged in

  • Secure Trials Console section that was changed

  • Actions that were taken


Step 1

On the left-side pane, select Audit Log.

Step 2

Configure filters to refine your search for a specific log.

You can clear all filters by checking Reset all.

Step 3

For the log you are interested in, select the entry to expand it and view detailed information.

Step 4

Select Download to export to a .CSV formatted file.