Convert a Trial

After confirming that a prospective customer wants to purchase a Cisco secure product, convert the trial to a paid subscription through Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW).


If you started a trial without a deal ID, obtain one from CCW and update the trial record (see Change a Trial) before converting trial to a subscription. For more information about obtaining a deal ID, see Cisco Commerce User Guide.

The deal ID might change if the CCW quote is updated during the trial period. If this happens, ensure you update the trial record with the latest deal ID.

Convert Umbrella trial to subscription

Ensure you add the customer’s trial ID along with the deal ID in CCW. The trial ID can be found in the console within the trial record under the relevant product section. This integration allows back-end processes to link the trial ID with the customer's purchase, enabling a seamless transition from trial to subscription on the customer’s dashboard.

Convert Secure Endpoint trial to subscription

Ensure that the customer's email address associated with the deal in CCW matches the email of an admin user on the customer’s Secure Endpoint trial dashboard. After the purchase, the customer will receive a welcome email at the address specified in the deal, allowing them to choose between using their existing trial dashboard (where they are already an admin) or creating a new dashboard.